Income By Zip Api Sample Data

JSON Returned From Api

Data returned from the Api will look like the below.
Note that this sample includes the Income and the Demographics Add-On data.


Data Legend

Zipcode 5 digit U.S. Zipcode (actually ZCTA code)
State 2 lettter State abbreviation
MedianHouseholdIncome Median household income in dollars
MedianHouseholdIncomeError Potential error in dollars
MeanIncome Mean income in dollars
MeanIncomeError Potential error in dollars
PerCapitaIncome Per capita income in dollars
PerCapitaIncomeError Potential error in dollars
PercentIncomeOver200K Percent of population that makes over $200,000
PercentIncomeOver200KError Potential error in percent
IncomeUnder25Years Median household income under 25 years old
IncomeUnder25YearsError Median household income under 25 years error
Income25To44Years Median household income age 25 to 44
Income25To44YearsError Median household income age 25 to 44 error
Income45To64Years Median household income age 45 to 64
Income45To64YearsError Median household income age 45 to 64 error
Income65YearsAndOver Median household income age 65 and older
Income65YearsAndOverError Median household income age 65 and older error
Households Number of households
IncomeLessThan25k Number of households with yearly income less than $25,000
Income25kTo50k Number of households with yearly income $25,000 to $50,000
Income50kTo75k Number of households with yearly income $50,000 to $75,000
Income75kTo100k Number of households with yearly income $75,000 to $100,000
Income100kTo150k Number of households with yearly income $100,000 to $150,000
Income150kTo200k Number of households with yearly income $150,000 to $200,000
IncomeAbove200k Number of households with yearly income over $200,000
Population Number of people in zipcode
Asian Population that is asian
Black Population that is black
Hispanic Population that is hispanic
Islander Population that is islander
Native Population that is native
White Population that is white
OtherRace Population that is other race than above
TwoRaces Population that is mixed race
PopulationDensity Number of people per square mile
Female0To9Years Female population age 0 to 9
Female10To19Years Female population age 10 to 19
Female20To29Years Female population age 20 to 29
Female30To39Years Female population age 30 to 39
Female40To49Years Female population age 40 to 49
Female50To59Years Female population age 50 to 59
Female60To69Years Female population age 60 to 69
Female70YearsAndOlder Female population age 70 and above
Male0YearsTo9Years Male population age 0 to 9
Male10YearsTo19Years Male population age 10 to 19
Male20YearsTo29Years Male population age 20 to 29
Male30YearsTo39Years Male population age 30 to 39
Male40YearsTo49Years Male population age 40 to 49
Male50YearsTo59Years Male population age 50 to 59
Male60YearsTo69Years Male population age 60 to 69
Male70YearsAndOlder Male population age 70 and older
MedianAge Median age of the population
Population25YearsAndOlder Percentage of population over 25 years old
Population25YearsNoDiploma Percentage over 25 years old with no diploma
Population25YearsHighSchoolDiploma Percentage over 25 years old with only high school diploma
Population25YearsSomeCollege Percentage over 25 years old with at least some college
Population25YearsBachelorsDegree Percentage over 25 years old with bachelors degree
Population25YearsGraduateDegree Percentage over 25 years old with a graduate degree
FamilyHouseholds Number of family households
FamilyPoverty Percentage of families under the poverty level
CivilianLaborForce16Years Number of individuals over 16 that are able to work
UnemploymentRate Percentage of workforce that is unemployed
HousingUnits Number of housing units
MedianValueOwnerOccupiedUnits Median value of owner occupied housing units
Families Number of families
MarriedCoupleFamilies Number of families where parents are married
MarriedCoupleWithChildrenUnder18Years Number of married couples with children under 18
SingleParentFamilies Number of single parent families
SingleParentFamiliesWithChildrenUnder18Years Number of single parent families with children under 18
NonFamilies Number of households that are not a family