Income By Zip Api FAQ

Where does the data come from?

All data comes from the United States Census Bureau and is the latest available (currently 2018).

What is the API endpoint?

Income By Zip Api is now hosted on RapidApi here.

What format does the data come in?

It comes in json format, which is the industry standard. See the sample data page here.

What is a ZCTA vs a Zip code?

Data from the US Census comes in the form of ZCTA codes. In most cases they are completely compatible with zip codes. The exception would be Post Office boxes which have no demographic data and therefore have no ZCTA data.

Why does some of the data come in as null or zero?

Data from the US Census comes in the form of ZCTA codes. Sometimes there is no data for a zipcode.

What does the json mean?

See the Data Legend table at the bottom of Sample Data.

How can I get and inovice or receipt?

RapidApi handles all billing and cancellation.

How do I cancel?

RapidApi handles all billing and cancellation.

How do I use the api?

Smashing Magazine has a good explanation on how to use REST Apis here.

How many API calls do I get per month?

That depends on what you purchased. Details are on the RapidApi page.